All Things Fall Into Decay - On aging

It's entropy at work people. We are all getting older. And my generation, Generation X, are feeling it's effects. Especially us women. At least I can speak on behalf of women. The world has gone to smash,  Girls are boys, boys are girls the left is angrier than Jodi Arias on a bad day. My friends are getting plumped by the needle, yet we never speak of botox. Woman clinging to their last days of youth but it is useless. Botox better known as "Duck Lips" will catch up on you. But will you accept defeat gracefully or will you keep over drawing the lines of your botoxed lips, looking like a crazy person|? Meanwhile as men age, they appear to us as being wiser, still desirable. I think woman should claim that point of view. Age wisely, age gracefully, age desirable.

See, leaves have it figured out - one season and boom, your gone. Like farts in the wind. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Nature has it all figured out. We just need to listen.

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