More On Colour Experimentation, Art Quote Of The Day For Motivation & On Perfectionism In Art

So it turns out, I'm no master at colouring but I do enjoy the process of working with colour. Below are two more coloured leaves from my sketch book.

If you are having creative block, the winter blues or just laziness, let colour inspire you! Even if you suck at it, like me!

I found this quote online but sadly cannot find who wrote it but it's a great quote to go back to when you're feeling lazy or not progressing because of perfectionism - which I am guilty of.
Perfectionism can halt your process and make every stroke you draw feel agonizing.

I wrote this quote in my sketchbook - and yes I will keep trying to find the person who wrote it, unless someone out there knows...


"Let go of the Drawing you did yesterday
Let go of the drawing you might do tomorrow.
Really experience drawing as it is right now. Don't Over think it. Don't force it. Just Relax, Just Draw"


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