First Time Using Procreate for Ipad For My Botanical Illustrations / Drawing in Procreate Revelations / Procreate Vs Paper Illustration
I bought the Apple pencil, a 6th generation ipad and the procreate app during the summer of 2020, but was intimidated to learn it. Plus I love art supplied and the feel of paper. But I liked freedom that drawing on the ipad would provide. Today is March 31st 2021 and I finally got around to learning and using procreate for 2 drawings over the last 2 weeks.
So in procreate, I outlined my drawing by hand, snapped a picture and imported it. There was a learning curve though some of it reminded me of photoshop which I use. But I absolutely adored it!
A big part of loving it was I could carry it around with me and work on a drawing anywhere - I wasn't encumbered with tons of art supplied strewn about. Also working on layers and having an undo feature is also a serious luxury. When I find myself drawing on paper now, I get the undo reflex, of course to no avail! You can also import your favourite colours from your art supplies collection and create your own colour palettes and even brushes. And if you work with masks, there is that feature in Procreate as well.
Concerned about resolution? Don't be, I format my drawings in 8 x 10 inches in 400 to 600 dpi. You can also save your work in psd, tiff, png format ect. I do export my final drawings to photoshop through Adobe creative cloud. There I use brightness contrast, curves, change background colours and use filters like the camera raw filter to adjust clarity and unsharp mask for the final touch.
The experience of drawing on the ipad is incredibly similar to drawing on paper. You can even use pressure with the apple pencil to darken lines as you would with real pencils. I use a paper-feel screen protector to protect the screen and it mimics paper at the same time, which is a bonus. Shading and drawing fine details is simple to do in Procreate once you get the hang of it.
If you are considering drawing on the ipad, I give a fervent go for it!
The attached drawing was done in procreate and is available in my etsy shop here:
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