My Botanical Illustration Process / Vibrant Colours Morning Glory New Flower Illustration Available On Etsy/ Getting a Flower and Leaf Pressing Kit

 Lot's of my drawings are inspired by vintage or antique botanical art and I re-invent and modernize them from imagination. My drawings can take days to make as they are so detailed. The main leaf on this one is very detailed with veins. I also enjoy drawing Morning Glories as they grow here up in Montreal in the summer. The bright almost neon colours in this one is about welcoming spring.

For inspiration in the summer, I collect flowers and leaves press them and form compositions, then I photograph the composition, print it and draw, often using a magnifying glass to understand detail in a leaf or flower, even though my drawings are not realistic. I do stylize my botanicals in a naive, deconstructed way. In the winter I use photos, google and pinterest for ideas but I am about to order this flower press kit from for when summer comes to preserve the specimens I collect,.

Sometimes I use old drawings for inspiration and re-color them and alter parts of the composition, as I have done with this one.

Once I complete a drawing I export to photoshop to get the dimensions I want and tweak the image with brightness/contrast, maybe some curves and at the very end, I use the sharpening filter to emphasize the detail. Sharpening really enhances detailed drawings.

This art print is available in my etsy shop here:


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